I hope you have fun finding out more about dyslexia with these very helpful websites, videos and games
Useful Information
Dyslexia Assist www.dyslexia-assist.org.uk
Parent Champions www.parentchampions.org.uk/resources/understanding-dyslexia-booklet
Sharon Goldstone Dyslexia leaflet
Excellent Book Site for Dyslexic Readers
Barrington Stoke www.barringtonstoke.co.uk
Useful Videos
A powerful video showing how famous dyslexics have succeeded in many different fields.
Touching video illustrating how it feels to be dyslexic.
An animation video giving an insight into the mind of a dyslexic person.
Jamie Oliver talks about the impact dyslexia has had on his life.
Steven Spielberg film director discusses his dyslexia.
Practical Games
SWAP cards www.gamzuk.com/swap_fix.htm
TRUGGS cards www.readsuccessfully.com/
Reading/spelling/maths www.ictgames.com/
Word and Number Shark computer games www.wordshark.co.uk/index.aspx
Spelling APP www.appdecide.com/app/ios/spellosaur/461007342/